Accesso utente


Er Navigatore

E' un po' de tempo ormai che a chiede provo
Ar mio navigatore gi-ppi-esse
Se sto giranno in quarche posto novo
O so' le strade mie sempre le stesse

Se è rimasto quarcosa da vedesse
In questa lunga via su cui me movo
Quarche motivo ancora de interesse
O a la fine der viaggio me ritrovo

Se su 'sta strada esiste 'na variante
Pe' torna' a beve l'acqua frizzantina
De quela fonte fresca e dissetante

O se mentre la meta s'avvicina
E' sempre più lontana e più distante
Da nun trovalla più su la cartina

The Number of Referring

The Number of Referring Domains Has a Very Strong Influence on Rankings

You may have heard that getting backlinks from the same
domain has diminishing returns.

In other words, it’s better to get 10 links from 10 different sites than 10 links from the same domain.

According to our analysis, this appears to be the case. We found that domain diversity has a
substantial impact on rankings.

Google wants to see several different sites endorsing
Rank Your Wesbite Fast page.
And the more domains that link to you, the more endorsements
you have in the eyes of Google.

In fact, the number of unique referring domains was the
strongest correlation in our entire study.

Key Takeaway: Getting links from a diverse group
of domains is extrem

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